week 7
The boulders found during excavation for the new elevator must be removed carefully. Testing for the correct procedure is delayed about a month while coordinating everyone who needs to be involved in the process. This, however, allows BurWil to work more on the admin area and hallway between the Chapel and Spitzer Building!
Our wonderful facilities update team has been hard at work looking at doors and hardware plans for the admin area in addition to the carpets, flooring, and wall colors they selected.
New: BurWil is starting to work on the enclosed walkway between the admin area and Barron Hall.

Excavation for the new elevator began this week! The contractor began digging between the Admin building and the Sanctuary, which uncovered several large boulders. Structural engineers are scheduled to help develop a plan to deal with them.
The wall of the columbarium (with the window) has been removed as well. Part of the scope of the project includes doubling the columbarium niche count and moving the window to an adjacent wall. If you would like to visit the columbarium, please contact the church office. Afternoons are better when the construction crews have left.
The architect is now officially working with church representatives on flooring and colors for the new admin area. It is exciting to see the progress as we move forward!

We are excited about the progress!

The old “Sun Porch”
Happy New Year!

Construction is moving forward! The “sunroom” connector between the Admin building and the Sanctuary has been removed. This is the future location of the elevator and new stairwell to the second floor of the administrative offices.
In addition, they have started framing the offices on both floors of the administrative building. The second floor will look significantly different. Much more open. The Fowler Conference Room, which is currently being framed to create 3 office spaces, will get a new home during construction.
Our contractor has verified that the Sanctuary will be usable until at least Easter. After Easter they will make updates to the Chancel and choir area, which we hope will move quickly. Both services will be in Barron Hall during that time.
We are working hard to prepare for Christmas. Please excuse our mess while we attempt to showcase the beauty of this church amidst construction. We are aware that parking will be an issue, particularly for Christmas and Easter. It is on our scope to address.
Merry Christmas!

The primary emphasis this past week has been on demolition with particular attention to the administration office area and the basement under the Sanctuary. All of the floors and ceiling tiles have been removed exposing the bones of the building. Perhaps the most obvious demolition is the sunroom, in which the wall facing Keowee has been removed. The purpose is to begin preparation for the most difficult part of the construction, the addition of an elevator in that space. Everyday the crew makes significant headway.
Many are well aware that parking is limited with the fencing taking spaces from the administrative side of the building. Access to the Sanctuary and Spitzer are still available via Keowee side. The tower doors into the Sanctuary are accessible, as are the double doors facing Keowee in the SHEEP foyer.
Restrooms are still accessible during Sunday worship. The basement bathrooms should remain available until further notice. Additionally, the bathrooms at the end of the long hallway leading to Spitzer are to remain open. Further, the long hallway is accessible until approximately post-Easter timeframe. The building is navigable via the long hallway through to the Sanctuary…the basement under the Sanctuary, other than the bathrooms, are not accessible. Travel to the Kitchen and/or Barron Hall will require outside access via the parking lot.

Construction has started! Potions of the parking lot have been fenced off for safety and demolition has begun in the admin offices. Thank you in advance for your patience as we improve connection and accessibility throughout our building. For the time being, worship will continue in Barron Hall and the Sanctuary, while most groups and meetings will be in the Spitzer Building.
Click HERE for detailed information.
The official groundbreaking ceremony was held on Wednesday, December 4, at 10:00 a.m. The ceremony was a brief time of prayer for God’s blessing and guidance upon the construction, for the safety of those who will be working on the building, and for the spiritual health of the church and our ministry during this season. Following the ceremony, there was a prayer walk through the areas of the building that will be impacted by construction. Even though these updates have been long awaited, and though there is much to be excited about it, there’s also space for grief, recognizing that there will be spaces in the church that, once construction is done, will not look the same. It was a time to reflect in prayer and thanksgiving for the faithful ministry God has done in these spaces, anticipating with hope the many ways the Spirit might work in the new and renewed spaces to come for the glory of Christ.